まず一つViktor Freadbackと繋がれた事の凄さを私はまだ理解出来ていなかったのかも知れません。
今回リアルビクターズボイスを聞く事により彼がどの様な思いでジーンズを掘りに行き、私達にGood Luckを貸してくれた事の重みをリアルに感じる度が出来ました。
まだ日本では未公開の映画のネタバラシにならない様にしたいので全ては書けませんがGood Luckを作れて本当に良かったと思います。
We are finally back from a week of Swedish trip.
I thought I’d write about our Swedish trip every day but it was a bit hectic days there so I’ll write about it on the coming days. But let me thank you all again. TCB is still a small denim factory in Japan and until we saw many Swedish people loving our jeans, we were still like, Do people really know what TCB is or do we even have any fans there…? So, the day before the store event day at Goteborg Manufactur, we were a bit nervous thinking if no one would really show up.
Also, we finally met Viktor in person 3 years after we got to know each other.
We’ve got much to tell you about the days with Viktor at his place so many blogs to come about him, his movie and the next Viktor’s Voice collab! After spending a few days with Viktor, we are already another big fan of Viktor. He’s such a friendly and lovely guy and I gotta thank again for the opportunity to team up with him and to reproduce Good Luck Jeans with him.