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The old story of TCB JEANS

1/21 0:00 PV公開です。

Ever since TCB Co., Ltd was established 15 years ago, I haven’t done anything special to commemorate because I’ve been a bit too shy. Tomorrow, 21st Jan is our 15th anniversary as a company. (Last year was the 10th anniversary for TCB JEANS brand)

I didn’t have any plan to do anything but I happened to meet a photographer in front of Leica Ginza shop, who is our old friend and have come to Kojima occasionally to shoot us. That brought me to think, maybe we should do something for our 15th year. Taka, who is our production manager, is much more shy than me so I knew he wouldn’t be willing to but we’ve decided to make our short movie of making jeans.

After I told this idea to Taka, his reaction was as I expected but told him ” We have enough hairs right now but we will eventually loose them anyways. So, maybe it’s the first and last chance to shoot one, don’t you think?”

Looking back at the past 15 years, it passed like a lighning bolt. Back in 2008, our factory was just an old and dirty room of a small apartment where I lived. The room had a small space with the floor set higher by 2 inches or so (JP style archtecuture thing) and I jokingly called the space my CEO room/space where I set my sewing machine.

A few years later, we moved to an old building but didn’t have enough money to buy shelves so that we always laid out a fabric on the floor and put finished products on it.

In 2012, we moved to our current place but it was just an old warehouse for furniture with no windows. I remember having to go outside to see what color each thread was or sweat falling down a lot while sewing them because there were No air conditioners at all. If you have ever come to Japan in Summer, I think you can guess how horrible that would be. (many people dye every year from too much heat)

Digging up some old pictures, many other memories are flooded into my head but I shall stop it here.
I promise we still have the same spirit as when I and Taka started TCB 15 years ago. We will keep making the best jeans we can make till the end!

TCB創業前、お互い児島に来た者同志として夢を語り合ってた戦友Workersの舘野さんにゲストで来て頂いてIG LIVEを開催したいと考えております。
日程は創業日にあたる1/21 土曜 18:00 @tcbinoueアカウントにて

Last year we celebrated the 10th anniversary of TCB brand but this year is actually the 15th anniversary for TCB as a company.

We will welcome Tateno san, who is the owner and the designer for Workers, to our IG live. Maybe he has the most profound knowledge about overall American workwears. So it’ll be quite interesting for you too!

From 21 Jan 18:00 JP time




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