現在予約受付中のCathartt Chore Coat Paw Stripe
今日の写真で使ってるCathartt Chore Coat Paw Stripeはプロトなので実はDENIMより着丈が3cm短いです。
ただし皆さんにお届けする製品版は縮率計算が完了してPaw Stripe用のパターンでDENIMと同じ着丈にしてお届けしますのでご安心下さい。
以上 Stifelの生地って作るの大変っていうお話しでした笑
Thanks for many positive feedbacks for our newly released Cathartt Chore Coat Paw Stripe.
I think this fabric combines cuteness and coolness at the same time and I feel our overseas customers like them so much!
On the previous posts, I introduced how wabash fabrics are made but the print/discharge procedure should be done with fabric given as much tension to otherwise the pattern get too indistinct. So, raw wabash fabrics are very prone to shrinkage by first wash, meaning that the shrinkage rate is very different on this fabric.
Today’s photos show the very first sample we made so that the sizing is a bit different from the denim ver even though it’s the same 42 size but this time we will produce these jackets with the revised cut pattern made for this one so its be no problem to buy the same size as your denim ver. I wonder if anyone is going to buy both denim and wabash tho!