12/25 (土)19:00~ Ryo君との雑談ライブ
12/28 (火)10:00~ 縫製工場ならではのライブとして、高岡工場長にも出演してもらって、ジーンズ1本の縫製工程を井上の実況付きでお送りします。
Maybe it was the winter time of 2020. I happened to get a chance to have a vintage sweater shirt and I handed it to Taichi-san, saying I’m thinking of reproducing this sweatshirt but can you do it? however long it takes, it’s fine by me. To be honest, I was thinking optimistically that it would take about 6 months or so but in the end one full year has passed since then.
Of course we have our own work and so do they. But when it comes to making a clothe there’s numerous details to consider. Like what should we do with the zipper? I like the shape of the slider itself but I don’t like the width and the color of the fastener tape. Speaking of the pattern of the nordic snow pattern, you might think it’s printing so it’s not much of a problem because you can just copy and paste the pattern according to what size to make. But, if you look closely at the pattern of the vintage, they slightly vary because it was all hand written back then so we need to add the imperfect feel to it by drawing the pattern by hands, and yada yada yada.
When we make a new product, we don’t really care about when to release since our policy is basically “quality comes first” but after a year, we are welcoming the 10th anniversary of TCB JEANS next year. After I met Taichi, it’s been 10 years and I established TCB and he did XX development. It’s really grateful to release a collab clothe with my friend of 20 years for my brand’s 10th anniversary.