好きな言葉 格言は?って聞かれて答えるのが
ミシンを踏み始めた時も会社を始めた時も自分に何度もJUST DO ITと言い聞かせてた気がします。
When somebody asks me What’s your favorite quote or proverb?, I always answer, Just do it.
No joking! When I first tried to sew up a pair of jeans or when I established TCB sewing factory I remember saying the phrase in my head again and again.
でも諦めずJUST DO ITを続ければ、必ず物事が良い方向に進んで行く瞬間は何度も経験しました。
When you try something new, nothing will work out quite well from the beginning, right?
You try harder and harder but you sometimes feel you might not move towards the goal or even feel moving backwords sometimes. But Just do it and keep doing it and then things go better and better, which I have personally experienced a lot.
If I had to make a figure of Time & Growth, the famous logo would pop up suddenly and it’d look like this.
TCBではみんなのJUST DO ITがスウォッシュとして集まり、風車NIKEになり沢山の人に風を届けたいと思います。
At TCB, Just-do-it mindset, in other word Swoosh, from each staff gathers and becomes a swoosh windmill and send denim love on the wind to all denim lovers in the world!
そして去年の緊急事態宣言時に作成したSTAY HOME TAGを今年も作成するという形になってしまいました…
Last year, we made this special Stay Home patch to encourage people to stay home and stop Covid but it seems we need to do this again.
ということで、ご希望の方々に限り、TCB製品のどの商品をお買い上げ頂いてもこちらのタグを同梱 もしくは取り付けをして、商品をお届けさせて頂きます。 注文時の備考欄に、Stay home with your cat タグ希望の旨をご記入頂ければと思います。
Let me note a few points regarding the tag
* We are going to either include the tag or attach the tag to your purchased item
* If you’d like us to attach the tag, please mention that in the note section. When you indicate left or right, please indicate that based on when you wear them.
* the number of the tag is limited so we’ll finish the service when we’ve run out of the tag.
*We’ll try to cater to your demand as to where you’d like to have the tag attached but some cases we can’t due to the structure of a garment. e.g. the bottom half of a front pocket of a jean jacket→ we need to take the pocket off to attach the tag. We can only attach the tag where any disassembly is not needed.