先日のIG LIVEで先行してご案内しましたが、 TCBのベストセラー商品である50’s Jacketのリニューアルを行います。
値上げをすることは本望ではありません。ですが、値上げをさせて頂くからにはお客様にも納得感を感じて頂きたいと思っています。その理由について、①私、井上の想い と ②現実的な値上げの背景 の2点をお伝えさせていただければと思います。
As we announced in advance in the IG Live we did last week, We are going to renew our best selling jacket, 50’s Jacket. Along with that, we are also going to raise the price for the jacket.Our motto is to provide you with a good life with a good pair of jeans so that we wanted to keep the price as is but if we had to raise the price, we think we should provide the reasons which make total sense to everyone.
We are going to tell you the reason from A: TCB inoue’s perspective and B:Practical background about the price revision.
50’s Jacket 税込み:¥20,742 → 価格改定後 税込み:¥22,000
(価格改定時期→ 新 & 旧をしばらく継続販売しますが、旧は据置にて。そして、新は販売開始である本日より新価格を適用させて頂きます。)
50’s jeans/ 50’s Slim/ 50’s Slim R 税込: ¥18,435 → 価格改定後 税込:¥20,350
Seamen’s Jumper 税込:¥18,649 → 価格改定後 税込:¥20,570
Seamen’s Trousers 税込:¥16,550 → 価格改定後 税込:¥18,260
Wrecking Crew Overall 税込: ¥21,388 → 税込 ¥22,000
(価格改定時期: 2020/12/31 終日を持ちまして、新価格への切替を実施します。)
■Price Revision
50’s Jacket ¥20,742 → ¥22,000
(We will sell both new and former ver but we will apply the new price to the new ver)
50’s jeans/ 50’s Slim/ 50’s Slim R ¥18,435 → ¥20,350
Seamen’s Jumper:¥18,649 → ¥20,570
Seamen’s Trousers:¥16,550 → ¥18,260
Wrecking Crew Overall ¥21,388 → ¥22,000
(We will keep the price as is up till the end of this year.)
① Inoue’s Perspective
私が2000年 20歳の時に初めて児島に来て、ジーンズ作りの現場で驚いた事があります。
When I first came to Kojima looking for a denim-related job at the age of 20, I still remember I was shocked by the real situation of the well-known, denim sacred city, Kojima: Very few people in the same generation making jeans. It was my grandpa or grandma’s generation who actually were making jeans in Kojima. I was lucky enough to
find the job as a sewing person back then but after several years, I was ordered by the company to do the sales or the management of the production than actually making jeans myself.
I was enjoying the job given to me back then and of course it did give me a lot of new experiences but deep in my heart, I was more worried that there would be no place to make jeans even in Kojima 10 years later. If that were true, how would I keep making the jeans I love? Do I need to create the place to make jeans? Does that mean anything to sustaining the denim industry we, Japanese people, are proud of. Those are what I was thinking when I was 22 or 23 years old.
Long story short but this was one of the big reasons for me to start TCB brand.
憧れだった井原の職人さんに力織機でセルビッジの生地を別注で作って貰うという事が少しづつ出来る様になった時に、ふと感じる事が初めて児島を訪れた時に感じた、喜びともう一つの感情の『いつまで続く?』という感情です。私が育った町福山でTCBはロープ染色をしてるっていうのも有るでしょうね。 縫製の現場がなくなってしまうかもしれないのと同様、日本製のセルビッジデニムを作る機屋は年々少なくなり、10年でこの世界に誇る産業がなくなってしまうかもしれない。私等が愛するデニムを守っていきたいという思いもあり、せめてもう少し岡山で織ったDENIMを中心にTCBjeansを続けたいと思ったので今回の運びとなりました。
Now that I have been running TCB JEANS, we have been gradually recognized even by denim heads outside Japan. We have developed some TCB exclusive fabric woven in Ibara, which was my long-time dream from my youth days and makes me really happy and proud of what I have been doing so far but it also occurred to me that how long more can we keep doing this? You might not know a lot about the real situation of the JP denim weaving factories but there are less and less fabric weaving factories and it is said among people in the denim industry that we won’t be able to produce the JP denim fabric 10 years later. There will be no JP-made fabric in the future. In order to give more sustainability to the denim industry we all love, we have decided to raise the price for the jeans and decided to keep making the jeans with the Okayama-made fabric.
② Practical background regarding the price revision
I : 原材料の価格/ the price hike on the materials
Speaking of the price hike on the materials, first you might come up with cotton but it’s not the case in actuality. Due to drought or some international trading situations, there were some years where the price for the cotton was raised significantly but looking the things on a large scale, the price for cotton has been stable in the past 40 years. Then, what is getting more and more expensive?: the Indigo dyeing.
There are several kinds for the indigo dyeing but regardless of the kind the price for them has been raised each year.
*When it comes to cotton, we often hear that the fair-trade cotton is becoming the standard and we are gradually
shifting to using more fair trade cotton but the reality needs much more time to completely shift.
2: 生産量の低下/ the decreased amount of the production
”若者のジーンズ離れ” といった言葉を聞くこともしばしばありますが、これは数字に如実に現れています。
1999年の年間8574万着から、現在は5513万着と約3割も生産量が落ちています。 生産量が落ちると、綿花や染料など原材料は輸入に頼り切っている部分ですので、輸入当たりのコストはもちろん上がりますし、m辺りの生地単価もそれに応じて上がってしまいます。
In Japan, it is often said and heard that less and less young generation wear jeans but if you look at the number, it’s nothing but a truth. In 1999, the total production amount of the jeans in Japan was 85,740,000 pairs but in 2020 it’s only 55,130,000, which is about 30% decrease. If the production amount is decreased, the
transportation cost per cotton or dyeing will get more expensive and so will the price per M for fabric.
3:機屋さんの状況/ The fabric weaving factories in Japan
あるかと思います。では、そういった数十年前の機械をまだ稼働させられる機屋さんはどれほど日本に残っているのか? 実は両手で数えられる程度の場所しか残っていません。また、生産の現場は当たり前になりつつありますが、もちろん児島の縫製の現場を見ても、外国人労働者が日本のモノづくりを支えてくれており、それはTCBにとっても例外ではありません。しかし、機屋さんは3~10台ほどの機械を3~5名で管理するといった小規模のモノづくりをされている場所がほとんどで、専門性も高く、職人技術を培うのに時間も要するため安い労働力を利用するといった状態には出来ていないのが現状です。
You often hear or see in item description that this fabric was woven by a vintage shuttle loom or G3 machine
but do you know how many of those factories are still running in Japan? It’s only less than what you can count with your both hands. If you look at any industries regarding production, it’s propped and sustained by overseas workers or apprentices from China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailands etc, which is not exceptional for TCB either.
But on the average those fabric weaving companies are run in a small scale. 3~10 machines with 3~5 people. The work they do is basically built upon the experience and it requires much time to master the skills so that none of those factories are able to make use of the more reasonable work force at the factories.
Also, the production capability is limited. If they fully have a shuttle loom work without any technical troubles, only the fabric worth for 18 pairs can be produced.
The materials getting more and more expensive but less demands for the high quality denim fabric, the only way for the fabric weaving companies to keep their job is to raise the price. It’s fair to say that the JP denim is top notch quality but it’s said that in 10 years the denim weaving industry in Japan will disappear.
少し長くなってしまいましたが、TCBではこれからも自分たちの好きなジーンズを最高の品質 且つ、適性なお値段でお届けできるよう努めていきます。It’s been a ton of translation but TCB will keep making the jeans we love at top notch quality!