写真は洗いの依頼を出す前に50’s JKを裏に返してる山縣君です。表で洗っても良いのですが、不自然な皺や筋が出てしまう為、TCBでは裏洗いを採用してます。荒々しい縫い目のパッカリングや耳のアタリを優先させたいのであればお客様が洗う2回目以降は表のままでも良いかもしれませんね.
At TCB, we use a lot of unsanforized fabric that shrinks and stretches. So, we wash them at a denim specific washing factory with the industrial drying machine.
In the picture, Shiba is turning the jackets inside out before we bring them to the washing factory.
Some say it’s okay to wash denim as is but sometimes the denim gets unnatural creases so we do them inside out.
As for the second wash, you might wanna wash your denim as is if you want to have strong roping effects on the hem or some rail track fades on the out seam.