去年の11月からの着用なんで9ヶ月目になろうとしてるWaist OverallsとPleated Blouse
I’ve been wearing this Waist Overall & Pleated Blouse since last November. Based on the past experience, normally 9 months are enough to fade a jacket and jeans but this fabric is pure indigo rope dyed without using any synthetics so that the fading process is relatively slow on this model.
ただ、個人的の好みも入りますが、この1800年代終わりの仕様にはボロボロに使い込まれた雰囲気の方が今着用するなら似合うと思うのでまだまだ着用したいと思ってます。 Although this might be my personal preference, these models look its best when worn and frayed since the original are from the late 1800’s
写真はわたくし井上が9ヶ月着用してるPleated Blouse
Warps being yarn count: 10 and wefts being 12, making this fabric 8oz so that it’s best for denim heads like us who wear denim no matter how hot it is in summer.
アームホールの袖グリが直線的な為、着用時身頃に皺が入ります。 テーラー観点だとフィットしてないパターンという事になりますが、この皺こそがこの時代感の特徴かと思っており、もう少し色が落ちた時に、カッコ良く目立つポイントになってくると思います。
Usually the cut for the joint part between body and armhole is curved to fit human bodies but in this era, production efficiency was more prioritized so that it’s more straight so that the body has some vertical creases which will surely look great when it’s faded.
My jacket always start to get faded from the belly. don’t ask me why.
アームホールも激しいコントラストが入りそうです。 Armholes will have clear honeycombs for sure.
I sometimes think more natural faded jacket is closer to what vintages actually look but I wear them in my daily work so it can’t be helped.
Waist Overall
I wanted to wear these with nice suspenders, which was how the collab with MOTO started.
one pocket
I like the way the back yoke fades on this, looking different from the one from overlapped seam.
鉄ボタン 最初はピカピカですが、無垢なのですぐに変化が始まります。
Steel made button. At first they are glittering in sunshine but it’ll soon get rusty like this.
比翼の小ボタン/fy buttons
Nothing unusual you might think but we can’t find things like this without doing custom made.
green, blueish rust is starting on the rivet. It’s just a trivial info but the statue of the Liberty is in the same color.
いつの間にか貫通してるバックシンチ the cinch back is punched through naturally,